Learn more about Leadership LINKS’s impact and achievements in our 8+ years of mentoring girls.
Download our 8 Year Impact Report.

A Black Girl’s Movement: My journey in podcasting
Check out LINKS Leader, Miss Chase Clark, video and article feature discussing her podcast journey.

Black History Month spotlight on Leadership LINKS, Inc.
We welcome NC Child and EducationNC to our Leadership LINKS Network!

Former Youth Leadership Commitee President, Nilah Williamson, achieves her leadership goals and peer mentorship
Miss Nilah continues to serve as a peer mentor to the Youth LINKS Leaders who are still enrolled in the middle and high school programs.

Youth Leadership Committee make headlines in High Point Enterprise
The Youth Leadership Committee of Leadership LINKS, Inc. raised money, budgeted and purchased essential supplies for preventing COVID-19 to deliver to staff and students at Ferndale Middle School as their LINKS Service Opportunity (LSO) this year.

Leadership LINKS, Inc. shines at Social Justice Town Hall (Greensboro, NC)
With 2020 being such a dismal year, we all welcome and are Inspired by good news.

Leadership LINKS, Inc. featured story in WaveTops Publication
July 23, 2019, JULY 2019 Edition of WaveTops published by the United States Naval Academy Alumni Association & Foundation, Class of 2002 Natasha Sistrunk Robinson.

Nonprofit: Leadership LINKS Connects People with Purpose
Natasha Sistrunk Robinson, who graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 2002, had a dream.

Leadership LINKS: Developing our Future Leaders
“It started with a dream and a prayer,” begins visionary founder, Natasha Sistrunk Robinson.

USNA Women Shared Interest Group recognizes the leadership education and development of young girls in Leadership LINKS, Inc.
In 2012, visionary founder and chairperson, Natasha Sistrunk Robinson, shared the vision of Leadership LINKS, Inc. with people who she believed shared her desire to grow a collaborative, educational, and encouraging community of like-minded individuals.

Nonprofit: Girls Leadership Edge Helps Middle Schoolers
The program is designed to help middle school girls develop the courage, compassion and confidence to be lead themselves and others.

HPU Partners with Leadership LINKS, Inc. with Event to Prepare Students for College
Preparing for college early is not always easy for middle- and high-school students, but a recent event — “LINKS Leader Path to College” — aimed to do just that.

Summer Program links Future Leaders
Teenage girls urged to live their dreams.

Leadership LINKS facilitates the Girls Leadership Edge Curriculum
Eighteen Guilford County Facilitators Earn Certification to Provide New Girls Leadership Edge Program

Adam and Ezer: Raising Girls to be More Than "Helpers"
When I think about fundamentals of Christian discipleship, specifically as it relates to women, I am convinced that women need to first Know and Love God, only then can they affirm their identity in Christ Jesus, and love their neighbors as they love themselves.