HPU Partners with Leadership LINKS, Inc. with Event to Prepare Students for College

HIGH POINT, N.C., Nov. 29, 2017 – Preparing for college early is not always easy for middle- and high-school students, but a recent event – “LINKS Leader Path to College” – which partnered High Point University with Leadership LINKS, Inc. aimed to do just that.

Leadership LINKS, Inc. – a High Point-based nonprofit organization that focuses on leadership development for young people – teamed with HPU to give seventh to 12th graders, along with their families, educators, and community leaders an opportunity to learn how to best prepare for college while still in middle and high school. It also gave students and families a chance to visit a college campus and hear about potential leadership and scholarship opportunities on campus, such as the Bonner Leader Program. Additionally, they had the opportunity to hear from representatives in the HPU Office of Student Life and the HPU Office of Admissions, as well as students in the Bonner Leader Program.

“Preparing for college early is important not only for admissions and scholarship purposes, but also for the purposes of being successful in college,” says Dr. Allison Blosser, assistant professor of education at HPU who is also on the advisory board of Leadership LINKS, Inc. “Students who have worked hard in high school to develop solid study habits, communication skills, and their ability to manage time effectively will be miles ahead of their peers once they enter college.”

Life preparation, development, and having a strong work ethic speak to the mission and values espoused by the Leadership LINKS organization. Blosser notes that as a society, we talk often of the achievement gap, but one of the less frequently discussed “achievement gaps” in education is the gap in college access for minority and low-income students.

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